Electrostatic Precipitator

Home $ Products $ Electrostatic Precipitator

Remove grease, smoke and odours from the kitchen exhaust airstream.

Automated washdown system allows cells to be easily cleaned daily.

Our Electrostatic Precipitators or ESP’s

have been specifically designed for kitchen extract systems and have integral sumps to collect the oil, grease and smoke particles filtered out of the exhaust.  This not only simplifies servicing but eradicates potentially dangerous spillage from the bottom of the units and greatly cuts down on build ups of grease within the ducting.

Key Features

  • Eliminates up to 98% of smoke, oil and grease particles
  • Filters particles down to sub-micron levels
  • Produces Ozone to help reduce malodours
  • Designed with an integral sump
  • Modular in design
  • Specifically designed for commercial kitchen application
  • Energy efficient: – uses no more than 50W
  • Greatly reduces grease build-up within the duct run.

Get In Touch

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9 & 10, Next to Govt High School, Reddy Compound, Peenya, Bengaluru – 560 058.



+91 9986 9494 59